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Airton Honorato y otros. Order of the President IACourt. December 13, 2022
Order of the President IACHR
Barbosa de Souza y otros. Judgment. September 7, 2021
IACourt judgment
Barbosa de Souza y otros. Order of the IACourt. March 21, 2023
Order of the IACourt
Barbosa de Souza y otros. Order of the President IACourt. April 21, 2022
Order of the President IACHR
Barbosa de Souza y otros. Order of the President. November 27, 2020
Order of the President IACHR
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the IACourt. August 25, 2011
Order of the IACourt
Carcel de Urso Branco. Order of the IACourt. June 18, 2002
Order of the IACourt
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the IACourt. May 2, 2008
Order of the IACourt
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the IACourt. November 25, 2009
Order of the IACourt
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the IACourt. September 21, 2005
Order of the IACourt
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the President. July 26, 2011
Order of the IACourt
Cárcel de Urso Branco. Order of the President. August 17, 2009
Order of the President IACHR
Collen Leite y otras. Order of the President. April 29, 2024
Order of the President IACHR
Complejo de Curado. Order of the IACourt. May 22, 2014
Order of the IACourt
Complejo de Curado. Order of the IACourt. November 18, 2015
Order of the IACourt
Complejo de Curado. Order of the IACourt. October 7, 2015
Order of the IACourt
Complejo de Tatuapé. Order of the IACourt. November 17, 2005
Order of the IACourt
Complejo de Tatuapé. Order of the IACourt. November 30, 2005
Order of the IACourt
Complejo de Tatuapé. Order of the President. June 10, 2008
Order of the President IACHR
Complejo Penitenciario de Curadó. MP. Resolución de la CorteIDH de 28 de noviembre de 2018
Order of the IACourt
Complejo Penitenciario de Curado. Resolução da CorteIDH de 23 de novembro de 2016
Order of the IACourt
Complejo Penitenciario de Pedrinhas. Order of the IACourt. March 14, 2018
Order of the IACourt
Complejo Penitenciario de Pedrinhas. Order of the IACourt. November 14, 2014
Order of the IACourt
Complejo Penitenciario de Pedrinhas. Order of the IACourt. October 14, 2019
Order of the IACourt
Complexo do Tatuapé. Order of the IACourt. July 3, 2007
Order of the IACourt
Complexo do Tatuapé. Order of the IACourt. July 4, 2006
Order of the IACourt
Complexo do Tatuapé. Order of the IACourt. November 25, 2008
Order of the IACourt
Comunidades Quilombolas de Alcantara. Admissibility Report Nº 82/06
Admissibility Report
Comunidades Quilombolas de Alcantara. Letter of Submission to the IACourt
Letter of Submission to the IACourt
Comunidades Quilombolas de Alcantara. Merits Report Nº 189/20
Merits Report