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12 shown of 12 entities
Gangaram Panday. Judgment. January 21, 1994. Vote Picado, Aguiar y Cançado
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- Aug 18, 2017
Separate vote
Reggiardo Tolosa. Order of the President. November 19, 1993
Order of the President IACHR
Reggiardo Tolosa. Order of the IACourt. January 19, 1994
Order of the IACourt
Peruvian Prisons. Order of the IACourt. January 27, 1993
Order of the IACourt
Gangaram Panday. Judgment. January 21, 1994
IACourt judgment
Gangaram Panday. Judgment. December 4, 1991
IACourt judgment
Chunimá. Order of the IACourt. August 1, 1991
Order of the IACourt
Chunimá. Order of the IACourt. July 29, 1991
Order of the IACourt
Chipoco. Order of the IACourt. January 27, 1993
Order of the IACourt
Cayara. Judgment. February 3, 1993
IACourt judgment
Caballero Delgado y Santana. Judgment. January 21, 1994
IACourt judgment
12 shown of 12 entities