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Yarce y otras. Judgment. November 22, 2016. Vote Vio Grossi
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Yarce y otras. Judgment. November 22, 2016. Vote Ferrer Mac Gregor
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Vereda La Esperanza. Judgment. August 31, 2017. Vote Ferrer Mac Gregor
Separate vote
Valle Jaramillo et al. Judgment. November 27, 2008. Vote García Ramírez
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Rodríguez Vera y otros. Judgment. November 14, 2014. Vote Ferrer Mac Gregor, Ventura y Vio Grossi
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Pueblo Indígena Kankuamo. Order of the IACourt. July 5, 2004. Vote García Ramírez
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Pueblo Indígena Kankuamo. Order of the IACourt. July 5, 2004. Vote Cançado
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Petro Urrego. Order of the IACourt. June 24, 2021. Vote Vio Grossi
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Petro Urrego. Judgment. July 8, 2020. Vote Pazmiño
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Petro Urrego. Hearing. July 8, 2020. Vote Zaffaroni
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Miembros del CAJAR. Judgment. October 18, 2023. Vote Perez Goldberg
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Miembros del CAJAR. Judgment. October 18, 2023. Vote Mudrovitsch
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Miembros del CAJAR. Judgment. October 18, 2023. Vote Hernandez Lopez
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Mery Naranjo y otros. Order of the IACourt. September 22, 2006. Vote Cançado
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Mery Naranjo y otros. Order of the IACourt. August 22, 2017. Vote Vio Grossi
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Masacre de Pueblo Bello. Judgment. January 31, 2006. Vote Cançado Trindade
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Masacre de Pueblo Bello, Masacres de Ituango y Valle Jaramillo. Order of the IACourt. September 3, 2020. Vote Vio Grossi
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Masacre de Mapiripan. Judgment. September 15, 2005. Vote Zafra Roldan
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Masacre de Mapiripan. Judgment. September 15, 2005. Vote Cançado Trindade
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Masacre de La Rochela. Judgment. May 11, 2007. Vote García Ramírez
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Martinez Esquivia. Judgment. October 6, 2020. Vote Ferrer Mac Gregor
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. February 4, 2000. Vote Oliver Jackman
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. February 4, 2000. Vote García Ramírez
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. February 4, 2000. Vote Cançado Trindade
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. December 6, 2001. Vote Cançado Trindade and Pacheco Gómez
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. December 6, 2001. Vote Barberis
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Las Palmeras. Judgment. December 6, 2001. Vote Salgado Pesantes, García Ramírez and Abreu Burelli
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Ituango Massacres. Judgment. July 1, 2006. Vote García Ramírez
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Ituango Massacres. Judgment. July 1, 2006. Vote Cançado Trindade
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Integrantes y militantes de la Unión Patriótica. Order of the IACourt. February 9, 2021. Vote Vio Grossi
Separate vote