Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Case of Caballero-Delgado and Santana v. Colombia
Judgment of January 29, 1997
(Reparations and Costs)
In the Caballero-Delgado and Santana case,
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, composed of the following judges (*) :
Héctor Fix-Zamudio, President;
Hernán Salgado-Pesantes, Vice President;
Alejandro Montiel-Argüello, Judge;
Alirio Abreu-Burelli, Judge,
Antônio A. Cançado Trindade, Judge
Rafael Nieto-Navia, Judge ad hoc;
also present:
Manuel E. Ventura-Robles, Secretary, and
Víctor M. Rodríguez-Rescia, Interim Deputy Secretary,
pursuant to Articles 29, 55 and 56 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Court
(hereinafter "the Rules of Procedure"), read in conjunction with Article 63(1) of the
American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Convention" or "the American
Convention") and in compliance with the judgment of December 8, 1995, delivers the
following judgment on reparations in the instant case submitted by the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Commission" or "the Inter-American
Commission") against the Republic of Colombia (hereinafter "Colombia", "the State" or "the
Judge Oliver Jackman recused himself from hearing this case owing to his previous participation in several
stages of the case when it was being examined by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights when he was a
member of the Commission.
Judge Máximo Pacheco-Gómez abstained from hearing this stage owing to his absence, for reasons of
force majeure, from the hearings on reparations held on September 7, 1996.