ORDER OF THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF NOVEMBER 26, 2001 PROVISIONAL MEASURES ORDERED BY THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MATTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO JAMES ET AL. CASES* HAVING SEEN: 1. The Order of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Inter-American Court,” “the Court” or “the Tribunal”) of November 24, 2000, in which it decided: 1. To order the State of Trinidad and Tobago to maintain the Provisional Measures ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on 14 June 1998, 29 August 1998, 25 May 1999, 27 May 1999, 25 September 1999 and 16 August 2000 in favour of Wenceslaus James, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia, Christopher Bethel, Darrin Roger Thomas, Haniff Hilaire, Denny Baptiste, Wilberforce Bernard, Naresh Boodram, Clarence Charles, Phillip Chot[a]lal, George Constantine, Rodney Davis, Natasha De Leon, Mervyn Edmund, Alfred Frederick, Nigel Mark, Wayne Matthews, Steve Mungroo, Vijay Mungroo, Wilson Prince, Martin Reid, Noel Seepersad, Ganga[d]een Tahaloo, Keiron Thomas, Samuel Winchester, Peter Benjamin, Kevin Dial, Andrew Dottin, Anthony Johnson, Amir Mowlah, Allan Phillip, Krish[e]ndath Seepersad, Narine Sooklal, Mervyn Parris and Francis Mansingh so as not to hinder the processing of their cases before the [I]nter-American system of human rights protection. 2. To require the State of Trinidad and Tobago to submit, on or before 15 February 2001, detailed information concerning the proceedings of Anderson Noel, Christopher Bethel, Kevin Dial, Andrew Dottin and Anthony Johnson before the domestic courts. 3. To require the State of Trinidad and Tobago to submit information, on or before 15 February 2001, on the status of the cases of all the persons protected by the Provisional Measures ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, so that the Court may consider whether the State of Trinidad and Tobago has complied with its Orders in order to include such information in its report to the next General Assembly of the Organization of American States. 4. To urge the State of Trinidad and Tobago to comply with the Orders of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of 14 June 1998, 29 August 1998, 25 May 1999, 27 May 1999, 25 September 1999 and 16 August 2000 and, after its report of 15 February 2001, to continue to report every two months on the status of the appeals and scheduled executions of Wenceslaus James, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia, Christopher Bethel, Darrin Roger Thomas, Haniff Hilaire, Denny Baptiste, Wilberforce Bernard, Naresh Boodram, Clarence Charles, Phillip Chot[a]lal, George Constantine, Rodney Davis, Natasha De * Judges Máximo Pacheco-Gómez and Oliver Jackman informed the Court that, for reasons beyond their control, they were unable to be present in part and in whole during the Tribunal’s LIII Ordinary Period of Sessions, respectively. For these reasons, they did not take part in the deliberation and signature of this Order.

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