ORDER OF THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF AUGUST 26, 2010 PROVISIONAL MEASURES REGARDING COLOMBIA CASE OF THE 19 TRADESMEN V. COLOMBIA HAVING SEEN: 1. The Judgment on the merits, reparations, and costs (hereinafter, the “Judgment”) delivered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter the “Inter-American Court,” the “Court” or the “Tribunal.”) on July 5, 2004. 2. The Orders delivered by the President of the Court on July 30, 2004; April 28, 2006; and, February 6 2007, as well as the orders of the Inter-American Court on September 3, 2004; July 4, 2006; May 12, 2007; and, July 8, 2009. In its most recent order, the Tribunal decided: 4. To continue supervising the fulfillment of [the State’s] obligation to guarantee the life, integrity, and security of Carmen Rosa Barrera Sánchez, Lina Noralba Navarro Flórez, Luz Marina Pérez Quintero, Miryam Mantilla Sánchez, Ana Murillo de Chaparro, Suney Dinora Jauregui Jaimes, Ofelia Sauza de Uribe, Rosalbina Suárez de Sauza, Marina Lobo Pacheco, Manuel Ayala Mantilla, Jorge Corzo Vivescas, Alejandro Flórez Pérez, Luz Marina Pinzón Reyes, and their families, according to that indicated in Operative Paragraph eleven of the Judgment, within the framework of the implementation of provisional measures […]. 5. To reiterate to the State of Colombia that it must maintain any measures it has already adopted and to adopt, forthwith, the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Wilmar Rodríguez Quintero, Yimmy Efraín Rodríguez Quintero, Nubia Saravia, Karen Dayana Rodríguez Saravia, Valeria Rodríguez Saravia, William Rodríguez Quintero, Sandra Belinda Montero Fuentes, Juan Manuel Ayala Montero, and María Paola Casanova Montero, as well as that of Salomón Flórez Contreras, Luis José Pundor Quintero, and their respective families. The State must offer participation to the beneficiaries or their representatives [in order that they] may take part in the planning and implementation of the measures and, in general, remain informed of progress in their execution […]. 6. To declare that provisional measures ordered by the Inter-American Court for the benefit of Ms. Ana Diva Quintero de Pundor and her next of kin ha[d] been rescinded by reason of their having left Colombia […]. 7. To require the State and the representatives to present, before August 7, 2009, the information indicated in Considering clauses 95 and 96 of [the] Order [concerning the dangerous situation in which the beneficiaries find themselves, the measures and means of protection implemented by the State, as well as the names of the next of kin of the beneficiaries Salomón Flórez Contreras and Luis José Pundor Quintero, who were in need of protective measures].

Select target paragraph3