Order of the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights∗
of August 4, 2008
Case of Barrios Altos v. Perú
(Monitoring Compliance with Judgment)
The Judgment on the merits rendered by the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights (hereinafter referred to as “the Court" or “the Inter-American Court”) on
March 14, 2001.
The Interpretation Judgment of the Judgment on the merits rendered in the
instant case by the Inter-American Court on September 3, 2001.
The reparations Judgment rendered in the instant case by the Inter-American
Court on November 30, 2001.
The orders rendered by the Court on November 22, 2002, on November 28,
2003 and on November 17, 2004, regarding the compliance of the reparations
Judgment issued in the instant case.
The Order issued by the Court on September 22, 2005, by means of which it
That it would keep the monitoring of compliance proceedings open with regard
to the items pending fulfillment in the instant case, to wit:
the duty to investigate the facts so as to identify those responsible for the
human rights violations referred to in the Judgment on the merits, as well as to
publicly release the results of said investigation and the punishment of the responsible
parties (operative paragraph five of the Judgment on the merits of March 14, 2001);
the payment of a compensation to Mr. Martín León-Lunazco, son of victim
Máximo León-León (operative paragraph 2(c) of the reparations Judgment of
November 30, 2001);
the complete and effective deposit of the compensation amount corresponding
to the underage beneficiaries of the reparations Luis Álvaro León-Flores and Ingrid
Elizabeth Ríos-Rojas, in a “trust created under the most favorable conditions according
to the Peruvian banking practice" (operative paragraph two “in fine” of the reparations
Judgment rendered on November 30, 2001);
the payment of compensations to beneficiaries Cristina Ríos-Rojas, daughter
of deceased victim Manuel Isaías Ríos-Pérez, and Rocío Genoveva Rosales-Capillo,
daughter of deceased victim Alejandro Rosales-Alejandro (operative paragraph two “in
fine” of the reparations Judgment rendered on November 30, 2001);
Judge Diego García Sayán, of Peruvian nationality, did not participate in the deliberation and signature
of this decision, in accordance with Article 19(2) of the Statute of the Court and Article 19 of the Court’s
Rules of Procedure.