. ORDER OF THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF SEPTEMBER 3, 2002∗ PROVISIONAL MEASURES JAMES ET AL. CASES HAVING SEEN: 1. The adoption of Provisional Measures ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Court”, “the Inter-American Court” or “the Tribunal”), in the James et al. Cases regarding the circumstances of imminent danger and vulnerability to irreparable harm of Wenceslaus James, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia, Christopher Bethel, Darrin Roger Thomas, Haniff Hilaire, Denny Baptiste, Wilberforce Bernard, Naresh Boodram, Clarence Charles, Phillip Chotalal, George Constantine, Rodney Davis, Natasha De Leon, Mervyn Edmund, Alfred Frederick, Nigel Mark, Wayne Matthews, Steve Mungroo, Vijay Mungroo, Wilson Prince, Martin Reid, Noel Seepersad, Gangadeen Tahaloo, Keiron Thomas, Samuel Winchester, Peter Benjamin, Kevin Dial, Andrew Dottin, Anthony Johnson, Amir Mowlah, Allan Phillip, Krishendath Seepersad, Narine Sooklal, Mervyn Parris, Francis Mansingh, Balkissoon Roodal, Sheldon Roach, Arnold Ramlogan, Beemal Ramnarace and Takoor Ramcharan. 2. The May 22, 1998, communication of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter “the Commission” or “the Inter-American Commission”), in which the Commission submitted to the Tribunal, pursuant to Article 63(2) of the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter “the Convention” or “the American Convention”) and Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court in force at that time, a request for the adoption of Provisional Measures on behalf of Wenceslaus James, Anthony Briggs, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia and Christopher Bethel, in connection with Cases 11,814; 11,815; 11,854; 11,855; and 11,857 respectively, which were pending before the Commission against the State of Trinidad and Tobago (hereinafter “the State” or “Trinidad and Tobago”). In said communication, the Commission petitioned the Court to request the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to stay the executions of the individuals on death row in the five cases at issue [Wenceslaus James, Anthony Briggs, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia and Christopher Bethel] until such time as the Commission has had the opportunity to examine and decide these cases pursuant to the Convention and the Rules of Procedure of the Commission. 3. The Order of the President of the Court (hereinafter “the President”) of May 27, 1998, in which he ordered the adoption of urgent measures and decided: ∗ Judge Máximo Pacheco-Gómez informed the Court that by reason of force majeure, he was unable to participate in the deliberation and signing of the present Order.

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