ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF JULY 22, 1998 REQUEST FOR AMPLIFICATION OF THE PROVISIONAL MEASURES ADOPTED BY THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MATTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO JAMES, BRIGGS, NOEL, GARCÍA AND BETHEL CASES HAVING SEEN: 1. The Order of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Court”) of June 14, 1998, in which it decided 1. To order Trinidad and Tobago to take all measures necessary to preserve the life and physical integrity of Wenceslaus James, Anthony Briggs, Anderson Noel, Anthony Garcia and Christopher Bethel, so as not to hinder the processing of their cases before the Inter-American system. 2. To order Trinidad and Tobago to submit a report by June 30, 1998, on the measures taken in compliance with this Order, and to require the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to submit its observations on this report within fifteen days of its receipt. 3. To summon Trinidad and Tobago and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to a public hearing on this matter at the seat of the Court on August 28, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. 2. The Order of the President of the Court of June 29, 1998, regarding the Request for Amplification of the Provisional Measures adopted by the Court in the Matter of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to include Darrin Roger Thomas. 3. The Order of the President of the Court of July 13, 1998, regarding the Request for Amplification of the Provisional Measures adopted by the Court in the Matter of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to include Haniff Hilaire. 4. The communication of July 17, 1998, received in the Secretariat of the Court on July 21, 1998, in which the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter “the Commission”), pursuant to Article 63(2) of the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter “the American Convention” or “the Convention”) and Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court (hereinafter “the Rules of Procedure”), submitted a request for the amplification of the provisional measures adopted by the Court in the James, Briggs, Noel, Garcia and Bethel Cases, to include Denny Baptiste, whose Case (11.840) is currently pending before the Commission against the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (hereinafter “the State” or “Trinidad and Tobago”). That in this communication, the Commission requested the Court to order

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