2 the remains of the victims and deliver them to their next of kin. 5) To supervise compliance with this judgment and that only after verification of such compliance shall the case be closed. 3. The first report of the State of Colombia (hereinafter “the State” or “Colombia”) of August 1, 1997, and its attachment, in which it referred to compliance with the judgment on reparations. In this respect, it advised that the Ministry of Defense had issued a resolution to “order the payment of the sum of U$28,500 dollars to María Nodelia Parra Rodríguez, to order the setting up of a trust fund in favor of the children of Isidro Caballero Delgado, with the equivalent of U$26,500 dollars each, and also to order the payment of U$10,000 dollars to the closest next of kin of María del Carmen Santana, when her identity and that of her beneficiaries has been determined.” The State also indicated that it had begun the process of setting up the trust funds ordered in favor of the minors, Iván Andrés and Ingrid Carolina Caballero, which consisted in a bidding or competition process in order to choose the trust company. Regarding the trust fund ordered in favor of the next of kin of María del Carmen Santana, the State indicated that it had not been able to set this up because, at the domestic level, the “question of the victim’s identity” had not been resolved. 4. Note CDH-10,319/588 of September 25, 1997, in which the President of the Court (hereinafter “the President”) on the instructions of the whole Court, requested the State to present specific information with regard to the documents that showed that María Nodelia Parra had received compensation; progress in determining the identity of María del Carmen Santana or her next of kin; efforts to locate the remains of the victims in this case, and the setting up of the trust funds in favor of the minors, Iván Andrés and Ingrid Carolina Caballero. 5. The brief of October 8, 1997, in which Luis Carlos Domínguez Prada, representing the minor, Ingrid Carolina Caballero Martínez, indicated that, although the time limit stipulated in the judgment for complying with the payments of compensation had expired, neither the amount owed nor the interest on it had be paid. 6. The second report of the State of October 28, 1997, and its attachment, in which it indicated that: a. Regarding payment of the amount corresponding to María Nodelia Parra, the “cheque [… had been] waiting at the Ministry of National Defense since July 9, 1997,” and had not been collected; b. Regarding determination of the identity of María del Carmen Santana, “no progress ha[d] been made in this respect and, in brief, the identity of [Ms.] Santana ha[d] still not been determined”; c. Regarding “the obligation to continue efforts to locate the remains of the victims, the Human Rights Monitoring Unit, which was conducting the criminal investigation [had indicated that] it ha[d] inspected three different sites where [the victims] may have been buried,” but the results “ha[d] been negative”; d. Regarding the criminal investigation, “the Superior Council of the Judiciary, in a judgment of May 8, 1997[,...] declared [that the military

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