INTER - AMERICAN COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS COMISION INTERAMERICANA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS COMISSÃO INTERAMERICANA DE DIREITOS HUMANOS COMMISSION INTERAMÉRICAINE DES DROITS DE L'HOMME ORGANIZACIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS AMERICANOS WASHINGTON, D.C. 2 0 0 0 6 EEUU January 27, 2014 Ref.: Case No. 12.639 Pueblos Kaliña y Lokono Surinam Dear Mr. Secretary, I am pleased to write to you on behalf of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to submit to the jurisdiction of the Honorable Inter-American Court of Human Rights Case No. 12.639, Pueblos Kaliña y Lokono in respect of the Republic of Surinam (hereinafter “the State of Surinam” “the Surinam State,” or “Surinam”). The instant case is related to a series of violations of the rights of eight communities of the Kaliña and Lokono indigenous peoples of the Lower Marowijne River, in Suriname. The specific concern is the continuation in force of a legal framework that impedes recognition of the juridical personality of indigenous peoples, which to this day continues to keep the Kaliña and Lokono peoples from receiving such recognition. The State has also refrained from establishing the legal bases that would make it possible to recognize the collective property rights to the lands, territories, and natural resources of the Kaliña and Lokono indigenous peoples. This lack of recognition has been accompanied by the issuing of individual property titles in favor of non-indigenous persons; the granting of concessions and licenses for carrying out mining operations in part of their ancestral territories; and the establishment and continuation of three natural reserves in part of their ancestral territories. The violations of collective property rights that stem from this situation continue to date. In addition, neither the granting of mining concessions and licenses and their continuation to date, or the establishment and permanence of natural reserves have been subjected to any consultation procedure geared to obtaining the prior, free, and informed consent of the Kaliña and Lokono indigenous peoples. All these events have taken place in a context of a lack of judicial protection and a lack of judicial defense since Suriname lacks any effective domestic remedy for indigenous peoples to be able to demand their rights. Suriname ratified the American Convention on November 12, 1987, and accepted the contentious jurisdiction of the Court that same day. Señor Pablo Saavedra Alessandri, Secretario Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Apartado 6906-1000

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