ORDER OF THE THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS* OF SEPTEMBER 22, 2006 CASE OF FERMÍN RAMÍREZ V. GUATEMALA COMPLIANCE WITH JUDGMENT HAVING SEEN: 1. The Judgment on the merits and reparations delivered on June 20, 2005 by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter, the "Court" or the "InterAmerican Court"), notified in full to the State on July 15, 2005, whereby it unanimously decided: 1. The State violated to the detriment of Fermín Ramírez the Right to a Fair Trial enshrined in Articles 8(2)(b) and 8(2)(c) of the American Convention on Human rights, in relation to Article 1(1) thereof, as set forth in paragraphs 62, 63, 65, 66 to 68, 70 to 76 and 78 to 80 of [the] Judgment. 2. It has not been proven that the State violated to the detriment of Fermín Ramírez the Right to Judicial Protection enshrined in Article 25 of the American Convention on Human Rights, for the reasons set forth in paragraphs 82 and 83 of [the] Judgment. 3. The State violated to the detriment of Fermín Ramírez the Freedom from Ex Post Facto Laws enshrined in Article 9 of the American Convention on Human rights, in relation to Article 2 thereof, as set forth in paragraphs 81 to 90 to 98 of [the] Judgment. 4. The State violated to the detriment of Fermín Ramírez the right to request a pardon or commutation of sentence enshrined in Articles 4(6) of the American Convention on Human rights, in relation to Articles 1(1) and 2 thereof, as set forth in paragraphs 105 to 110 of [the] Judgment. 5. The State violated to the detriment of Fermín Ramírez the Right to Humane Treatment enshrined in Articles 5(1) and 5(2) of the American Convention on Human rights, in relation to Article 1(1) thereof, as set forth in paragraphs 117 to 119 of [the] Judgment. 6. This Judgment is in and of itself a form of reparation. And unanimously rule[d]: * Judge Oliver Jackman informed the Court that, due to reasons beyond his control, he was unable to attend the Seventy-second Regular Session of the Court and, therefore, he did not participate in the deliberations and signature of this Order.

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