Canales Huapaya y otros
Case- Summary
The facts of the petition refer to the dismissal of three workers dismissed from the permanent National Congress of the Republic of Peru in connection with the dissolution of Congress carried out by the government of Alberto Fujimori and the formation of so-called Government of National Emergency and National Reconstruction.
The Inter-American Court expressly stated the similarities between this case and the previously decided one under the name of “Dismissed Workers of the Congress of Peru” establishing violations to the right to access to justice.
- Status
- Active
- Country
- Presentation to the IACommission
- Apr 5, 1999
- Submission to the IACourt
- Dec 5, 2013
- IACommission / Merits report: rights violated
ACHR 1.1, 2, 8.1, 25.1
- IACourt / Judgment: rights violated
ACHR 1.1, 2, 8.1, 25.1
- IACourt / Judgment: rights non-violated
ACHR 24 21
- Descriptors
- Labour rights
- State of emergency
- Court documents
- Documentos de la comisión
- Geolocalización de los hechos
Latitude: -12.0494
Longitude: -77.03
- Geolocalización de los hechos (linked Case)
- Canales Huapaya y otros
sorted by
Date added
13 relationships, 13 entities